Pray - Reflect - Cultivate

God speaks to everybody and all the time. God has a purpose for us that reaches beyond what we can imagine. HE says in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. But too often we discount His Voice. Want to learn to hear God’s Voice (the Voice Within) above the cacophony of this world and find purpose and meaning in your life? Let’s walk together.

Jean-Marc Dedeyne Jean-Marc Dedeyne

Whose voice are you listening To?

In the cacophony of voices that surround us, some keep us still, encourage us or comfort us, others keep us in a rush, discourage us (pushing fears) or worries us.

Whose voice are you listening To?

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Jean-Marc Dedeyne Jean-Marc Dedeyne

Unlock Your God-Given Talents: Embark on a Transformative Journey with CliftonStrengths Coaching

Are you looking for ways to unlock your full potential and achieve excellence in your personal and professional life? I'm excited to offer you a unique opportunity to discover and develop your innate talents through CliftonStrengths coaching.

Uncover Your Natural Talents with CliftonStrengths
CliftonStrengths is a powerful assessment tool that helps you identify your top talents - the patterns of thought, feeling, and behavior that come naturally to you.

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Jean-Marc Dedeyne Jean-Marc Dedeyne

How Our Earthly Fathers Affect Our Perception of God the Father …

Over the past month, my focus has been on contemplating the compassionate God the Father, all sparked by a documentary called My father's Father.

Throughout this documentary, we follow Fr. Dave Pivonka, as he journeys home to reflect on the urgent need to know God as Father amidst the backdrop of his hometown and the relationship he shared with his dad. 

This poignant documentary series explores the transformative impact of embracing our inheritance, unraveling the intricate tapestry of fear, doubt, shame, and brokenness to reveal a loving Father– for each of us.

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Jean-Marc Dedeyne Jean-Marc Dedeyne

Should We Listen to Our Conscience?

Did you know that God speaks to us all the time, precisely in the voice of our conscience. Do you listen to the voice of God or not? Do you listen to what your conscience is telling you or not? If you do, you become a vehicle of grace for yourself and for all those around you. If you don’t, chaos ensues.

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Jean-Marc Dedeyne Jean-Marc Dedeyne

If you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts …

The Lord says in Hebrews 3:15, “ “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion.”

13 years ago, I heard that still small voice who was trying to warn and protect me, but I didn’t listen to it. I later learned I resisted God’s Will.

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Jean-Marc Dedeyne Jean-Marc Dedeyne

How Can One Hear The Voice of God

What should we do when trials come? What are the keys to hearing God’s voice during a trial?

I believe the way we choose to look at the challenges, hardships and failures in our life will determine the outcome of our lives.

In my case, God has been teaching me to look at my trials as blessings in disguise. Amid tribulations, the more I force myself to keep the focus on seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, the more I can feel in my heart God’s voice telling me, “I love you, my son. Trust in me.”

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Jean-Marc Dedeyne Jean-Marc Dedeyne

Hearing God's Voice Will Move You in Purpose …

Then I told myself, It is time to listen. That voice cares about you. It saved your life today. You need to work on this. I was shaking because I knew that if I hadn’t listened to that voice, I would have been involved in a serious car accident. Thanks to God, I was not hurt. My lane kept moving, and I took Exit 53 and merged onto I-10 W toward Santa Monica. As I was driving, I kept thinking, That voice is there to protect and lead us to the right path. Then I asked myself, What do we need to do to cultivate and listen to this inner voice?

One of the fruits of trusting and obeying God’s Voice is that HE will move you in purpose and toward your destiny.

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Jean-Marc Dedeyne Jean-Marc Dedeyne

Stepping into Greater Freedom …

This lent, as I am preparing myself with God to step into greater freedom with my book, I am learning new ideas, lessons and tips love more and fear less with this 7-week Fearless video series created by Chris Stefanick at Real Life Catholic.

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Jean-Marc Dedeyne Jean-Marc Dedeyne

Pursuing God’s Will and Holiness …

For someone who is a work in progress when it comes to respond and react in the face injustice, suffering and wrongdoings, the story of Saint Nektarios of Aegina provides me some powerful life lessons. His story taught me that the best way to respond is with silence, patience, love, mercy, prayer, resilience, humility and faith in God. Those virtues can certainly help us to grow in holiness and become beacons of light to others.

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Jean-Marc Dedeyne Jean-Marc Dedeyne

In harmony with God's Purpose …

My raison for living is to inspire people to tune into God’s Message, so that we experience harmony. But what does harmony with God’s Purpose mean?

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Jean-Marc Dedeyne Jean-Marc Dedeyne

And so you will bear testimony to me …

By God’s Grace, after a long & uplifting journey of 8 years, I completed my manuscript (in English) on December 31, 2022. The book will also be available in French.

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Jean-Marc Dedeyne Jean-Marc Dedeyne

Praying a mystery daily …

For two hours, I walked around the golf course while praying the Rosary, listening to spiritual music, and observing nature. Halfway through my walk, an overwhelming feeling of sadness filled my heart and spirit. But something special happened. It rained for two to three minutes. I paused in silence and contemplation. Then a magnificent rainbow covered the hills. This moment cheered my soul.

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Jean-Marc Dedeyne Jean-Marc Dedeyne

Christ is all and in all …

In 2023, in whom will you place your confidence? In whom will you trust? Choose poorly, and you’ll pay the price. Choose well, and you’ll reap the rewards.

In this message, Fr Antony Parankimalil VC, one of my spiritual fathers, tells us whom you should focus on this new year and beyond.

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Jean-Marc Dedeyne Jean-Marc Dedeyne

Finding peace in God’s Voice …

Feeling conflicted in your decision-making? May I suggest this your consideration?

One of the greatest advice I received on how to discern the Will of God, to be precise to discern God’s Voice when making choices, comes from Fr German Sanchez at St. Sebastian Catholic Church - Los Angeles.

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Jean-Marc Dedeyne Jean-Marc Dedeyne

Do not run from silence …

Is it good to occupy our minds day and night with noise? Though every person will be different, especially depending upon their vocation, every person does need times of regular silence and solitude. Without this it is hard to be recollected and to hear the Voice of God. God speaks in the silence and He desires to communicate to you through this sacred language. Do not run from silence for, if you do, you will be running from the Voice of God.

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Jean-Marc Dedeyne Jean-Marc Dedeyne

We are all searching for something …

While doing research on the relationship between finding life purpose and growing closer to God, I came across two uplifting programs. I highly recommend them to whoever wants to reflect on what really matters, transition towards a meaningful life and realize their God-given purpose.

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Jean-Marc Dedeyne Jean-Marc Dedeyne

We made it …

We made it. Happy New Year 2019. May the Lord Bless you and your family.

Nous y sommes. Bonne année 2019. Que le Seigneur vous bénisse ainsi que vos familles.

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Jean-Marc Dedeyne Jean-Marc Dedeyne

Why a Fulfilling Life Starts With Silence?

It is not new to say that we live in a noisy world filled with more and more distractions. As a result, it is harder for many to find personal clarity and make the right decisions in life.

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Want to learn to hear the Voice Within above the cacophony of this world.