My book is coming out in 2025.
The story: “Jean-Marc Dedeyne, a 49-year-old Catholic man from Martinique, reflects on his life and faith. He grew up in a close-knit family that valued education, faith, hard work, music, hospitality, and gatherings. However, his father's infidelity and abuse scarred him, leading to introversion and a lost identity. Despite this, Jean-Marc developed passions for computers, horseback riding, and traveling. As he grew older, his commitment to his faith waned, but his mother's faith and encouragement kept him connected to prayer and Sunday mass. In 2006, he moved to Los Angeles to positively impact others and pursue an entrepreneurial journey. However, in 2010, he was struck by a car, leading to a long recovery and soul searching. He realized he had ignored God's call for 23 years and now answers it by supporting young men from broken homes in finding their life's purpose. Together, with their support systems, my mission is to help them navigate the worldly chaos to hear God’s message, bringing clarity, peace, and harmony to their decision-making process. “
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Want to Know the Story behind the book, watch my TEDx video below.
Preliminary Book Reviews …
Do You Hear the Voice Within? It's Speaking!
On November 13, 2010, I was left disabled in a horrific accident, which nearly claimed my life. You Know what? I could have avoided it; if I had listened to that "still small voice: the Voice of God".
In my TEDx Talk below, I shared my story along with 3 important Steps You can do to Tune into God's Message and Experience Harmony.
(Speaking English, Italian or Spanish, Turn on Closed Captions First!)
“When we stop waiting for what we think life owes us, and start looking for what life and God are expecting from us, our lives become more meaningful and our outcomes are enriched with divine purpose”
What People Are Saying?
My book is coming out in 2025. Want to be notified?
I would love to keep you in the loop when my book is officially launched. I can’t wait to share it with you. Leave me your contact information below.