Pray - Reflect - Cultivate
God speaks to everybody and all the time. God has a purpose for us that reaches beyond what we can imagine. HE says in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. But too often we discount His Voice. Want to learn to hear God’s Voice (the Voice Within) above the cacophony of this world and find purpose and meaning in your life? Let’s walk together.
Merry Christmas from Martinique
May God bless you and your families abundantly this Christmas. May this Christmas and New Year be filled with Hope, Blessings, Love, Faith and Joy.
How to Achieve Meaningful Success in Life?
Something was missing. As they say in Hebrew, I hadn’t find TRUE shalom. Shalom means completeness, wholeness, health, peace, welfare, safety soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord according to Strong’s Concordance 7965.
Do You Hear The Voice Within? It is Speaking!
We live in a noisy world, don’t we? Everywhere we go, we hear people and things making noise.
With tons of information coming at us from relationships and multiple media streams (television, Internet and social media), many of us live our lives constantly distracted and caught up with thoughts and in fact have trained our brains to look for distractions.
How to Get Past Your Fears
Imagine if you had absolutely no fear.
Imagine if you had no fear to pursue the goals and dreams that God put in your heart.
Imagine if you had no fear to pursue your purpose in life.
From Citizenship to Higher Purpose
Last week marked a significant milestone on my journey in the United States.
I officially became a United States Citizen. And it felt really good to start this new chapter of my life with 3146 other New American Citizens who were representing over 140 countries.
How to Stand Out and Bring Meaning into Your Expat Journey
If you have been trying to move to the US on your own, you know by now that it’s not easy. It’s can be very challenging.
But I can guarantee that it’s possible to make it in the United States, live our dreams and bring meaning into our lives. I have lived through all phases myself.
Introduction – Jean-Marc Dedeyne
I wanted to make a positive difference in the lives of others — more importantly, I was searching the meaning of my own life. The last 10 years have been exhilarating, challenging, rewarding and enlightening. I have changed…and I believe for the better.